Pursuant to the new Part 4A and Schedule 7 of the Financial Reporting Council Ordinance (FRCO) gazetted on 17 May 2021, starting from 1 January 2022, the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) will begin to collect levies from (i) sellers and purchasers of securities (i.e. FRC Transaction Levy); (ii) public interest entities (PIEs); and (iii) PIE auditors.
The FRC Transaction Levy for the seller is at a rate of 0.00015% of the consideration for the sale and for the purchaser at a rate of 0.00015% of the consideration for the purchase. The FRC Transaction Levy will be collected on behalf of the FRC by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited. No levy is payable for a sale and purchase of a stock option.
For more details about the FRC levies, please visit the FRC’s website.